Fort Cook is not actually a fort. it is a disguise for Joe Cook's business, Fort Cook Construction, hiding all the messy equipment that a construction company has laying around. Technically, Fort Cook is part of Pohley's Hollydale Park concept. Joe's son, Dave Cook, currently lives at the fort.
Across Scenic Street from the gate, previously was Cook's General Store and soda fountain in the 1950s.
A tunnel there goes under River Road to Cook's Beach.
The walls of the fort were knocked down by a flood in 1995, but rebuilt.
Across Scenic Street from the gate, previously was Cook's General Store and soda fountain in the 1950s.
A tunnel there goes under River Road to Cook's Beach.
The walls of the fort were knocked down by a flood in 1995, but rebuilt.

Joe Cook worked heavy equipment in the community of Hollydale Park in the 1940's, 1950's, maybe even the 1930's, building roads and pads for all the little cabins that were under construction. He probably did the same for Forest Hills and Russian River Terrace. Actually he might have even done the work on the other side of the river since the Hacienda Bridge was in place.

The Joe Cook family owned and operated, Cook's Beach in the 1940s.
The beach was operated by Bob Trowbridge in the 1950s at the same time he was operating Mirabel Park.
The beach was listed for sale in 2013.
The beach was operated by Bob Trowbridge in the 1950s at the same time he was operating Mirabel Park.
The beach was listed for sale in 2013.